Creative Dolphins

Creative Dolphins

Steno bredanensis were the strangest and most lovable dolphins that I ever got to know. My husband, Tap Pryor, founded an oceanarium, Sea Life Park, in Hawaii. It was the early 1960s. The various buildings, tanks, and pools, were built on the sloping base of a cliff, and all faced the sea. Tap hired an … Continue reading “Creative Dolphins”

A Voyage on the Dedicated Vessel

A Voyage on the Dedicated Vessel

In 1978 the government, the environmentalists, the fishery and the industry jointly established a year-long at-sea research program. They named it the Year of the Dedicated Vessel. A single skilled American tuna fishing seiner would be hired to make several voyages into the Pacific, carrying six scientists per trip. They would travel out to the … Continue reading “A Voyage on the Dedicated Vessel”

From Dolphins to Training Surgeons

From Dolphins to Training Surgeons

My good friend Terry Golson mentioned me in a recent blog post. Terry included some wonderful pictures, and she is kindly letting me share her post with you. Also Terry mentions my recent appearance on NPR’s The Hidden Brain. Enjoy! -Karen From Dolphins to Training Surgeons by Terry Golson Most of us have had an … Continue reading “From Dolphins to Training Surgeons”



Early days at Sea Life Park: starting to communicate with the dolphins Georges Gilbert, our dolphin collector, brought in a beautiful adult male spotted dolphin. He was handsomely marked, with whitish dots all over his black back, and blackish dots all over his pale gray lower half. His sickle-shaped elegant fins and tail were pitch … Continue reading “Kahili”